Friday, February 8, 2013

Fred Meyer Newport OR

Newport, OR about two years ago was not too nice from a retail perspective. It had what looked like an early 1990's Wal Mart with zero remodel or other investment, a similar era Fred Meyer with one remodel but an awkward layout, awful clothing area, and very limited fresh departments, and a Safeway from the maybe early 1980's (non-lifestyle) featuring a gray floor, kiosk service deli, and turntable checkouts. Then sometime in 2011, Wal Mart started to gain approvals for an expansion/remodel of their aging store. Fred Meyer countered in March, 2012 with a very major remodel that lasted through late November, 2012 of their Newport Store that involved completely relocating meat, deli, and bakery, and also expanding the size of the clothing area (housed in a "loft" like area upstairs). I can only imagine how much money Fred Meyer spent on this remodel... but the store is much improved. Safeway has done nothing.

Old Meat Department: this was on the side wall. This space now houses bakery and deli.

New Meat Department. This is in the space that previously housed produce.

Old produce department; a tiny alcove with just a few display cases.
 New produce department, sits out in the open in the space that used to house deli (deli was sort of built into the middle).
Old garden department: 
New garden department:

New electronics department (build out of the space that housed the old garden department above):
Various photos of the store prior to remodel. 

 This was a wall graphic I had not seen before:
Various other photos of remodeled store: